
Fundamental Rights

What is positive and nagative fundamental rights ? Constitution of india provided fundamental rights to it's citizens for their all round development(material,intellectual,moral and spiritual).They are described in article 12 to 35 of the constitution and most of them are against arbitrary action of state.some rights are nagative in nature while some rights are positive in nature,which are described below. Nagative Rights:– There are some fundamental rights which put limitation or restriction to the state, the occurrence of which would have curbed the freedom that an individual/community enjoys. These are Equality before law(art:14) ​Right to freedom(art:19)​ protection of life and personal liberty(art:21) ​prohibition of discrimination on Certain grounds(art:15) ​Eqality of opportunity(art:16) Positive Rights:– Positive rights are direct action by the state which improve the ability of the individual/community to live the life they desire. ...

School Education Quality Index(SEQI)

School Education Quality Index(SEQI) Niti Aayog has released the 'School Education Quality Index' (SEQI) report.It has prepared this index based on the data of 2016-17. The index emphasizes the efforts of schools to increase the learning ability of students.Performance was judged on the basis of several parameters, such as education outcome, governance, enrolment rate, language and mathematics skills, transition rate, and drop-out rate, among others. The list has been categorized into three parts –  Large state:  20 state has listed on this catagory.Kerala has secure no.1 position with 76.6 percent points in overall performance in large states category .Uttar Pradesh ranked at the bottom with 36.4 % points. TOP 20 LARGE STATES Kerala 76.63 Rajasthan 72.86 Karnataka 69.57 Andhra Pradesh 467.88 Gujarat 61.95 Assam 60.29 Maharashtra 57.43 Tamil Nadu 56.37 Himachal Pradesh 55.32 Uttarakhand  53.34 Haryana 50.53 Odisha 48.36 Chhatti...